Non-Prescription Products
Containing Aspirin or Aspirin Components
Adprin B or Adprin Extra Strength | Buffinol Extra |
Alka-Seltzer (any formula) | Cope |
Anacin (any formula) | Ecotrin (Any formula) |
Anodynos | Empirin |
Arthritis Foundation Safety Coated Aspirin | Emagrin |
Arthritis Pain Formula | Genprin |
Ascriptin Arthritis Pain | Gensan |
Ascriptin Regular Maximum strength | Goody’s (Extra strength headache formula, etc) |
Aspergum | Halfprin Low strength enteric coated |
Aspercin Extra | Heartline |
Aspermin (Any formula) | Norwich aspirin, enteric coated) |
Bayer (Any formula including baby aspirin) | P.A.C. |
BC Arthritis Strength | Regipren Enteric Coated |
Buffaprin (Any formula) | Rid-a-Pain with Codeine |
Bufferin (Any formula including tri-buffered) | St. Joseph Low dose Adult Aspirin |
Buffinol | Stanback, Original Formula |
Buffets II | Supac |
Vanquish |
Prescription Products
Containing Aspirin or Aspirin Components
Anaprox Anaprox DS tablets | Magsal tablets |
Children’s Advil suspension | Naprosyn Suspension tablets |
Children’s Motrin suspension | Norgesic & Norgesic Forte tablets |
Darvon Compund-65 | Percondan & Percodan-Demi tablets |
Disalcid capsules/tablets | Robaxisal tablets |
Easprin tablets | Salflew tablets |
Empirin with Codeine tablets | Soma Compound tablets |
Equagesic tablets | Soma Compound with Codeine tablets |
Fiorinal capsules/tablets | Synalgos-DC capsules |
Fiorinal with Codeine capsules/tablets | Talwin Compound tablets |
Lortab ASA tablets | Trilisate tablets or liquid |